About Us

Our Story

Welcome to A+ Learning Center & Child Care, where our utmost priority is to create a secure environment conducive to children’s growth through play and exploration. We hold firm to the belief that children thrive when given the opportunity to learn and develop holistically, encompassing their physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and communicative facets.

Our curriculum, grounded in play-based learning, not only meets Early Learning requirements but also nurtures all dimensions of children’s development. Through tailored approaches that respect each child’s unique traits and interests, we instill a sense of excitement and enjoyment in learning. Our preschool program is meticulously designed to cultivate a love for learning through play, acknowledging the significance of a joyous childhood while equipping children for future endeavors.

Philosophy & Mission

At A+ Learning Center & Child Care, we wholeheartedly embrace the profound responsibility of nurturing children aged 1 through 6 years old across every facet of their development. With unwavering dedication, we prioritize their physical well-being, social integration, emotional resilience, cognitive agility, and boundless creativity. Recognizing the pivotal significance of these formative years, we spare no effort in providing an enriching environment that fosters growth and exploration.

Our meticulously designed curriculum is not merely a framework but a testament to our commitment to excellence. It meticulously weaves together early mathematical concepts, problem-solving strategies, language acquisition, vocabulary expansion, pre-writing skills, and attentive listening exercises. These elements form the tapestry of our educational approach, aimed at igniting a lifelong passion for learning and equipping each child with the tools they need to flourish academically and beyond.

What We Offer